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Here you can find different routes that we have created.


In this link you will find the whole route and below you will find a brief explanation of the route. We hope you enjoy it!.


Let's start with the first route. This route will start in the Campus Ceuta and we're going to have a breakfast in "La Paloma", then we will go to the spa to have a relaxing moment.


Therefore, we will have lunch in Oasis restaurant, which is specialized in Morrocan food.


Moreover we will move to "Benzú" to watch the incredible views and have a zah-zah in "Terraza del Estrecho".


From this place, we will move to Isabel's II balcony to have a panoramic view of Ceuta.


Then, we will have a dinner in Hadu, in a restaurant called "Esauira" which are one of the best places in the whole Ceuta to try our local masterpiece, "campero".


If you want to finish the day in a club to have some drinks with your friends, you shouldn't miss "El Cielo".


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